Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Hey hope you have a great New Year and i have a list of my whole New Years resolution.
Well these a few of my New Years Resolution, it's a bit shabby but yeap.
1.Pray alot more to God for protection, guidance, and comfort.
2.Choose friends wisely this year because you never know when you're gonna need one
3.STOP GOSSIPING(unless necessary)
4.Mide you're on buisness unless you're suppose to care, but bring a recording tape just incase they want to stab you behind the back.
6.Take alot of great photos and memories for this year and you're friends.
8.Be niceer to parents and sister and everybody else around you
9.Watch you're great movies like Grey's, Brothers & Sisters, Desperate Housewives.
10.Download more great songs for meditaiton and life.
11.LAUGH ALOT MORE(although i am doing that now)

P.S.Well life's tough deal with, and let the sea take me but i will have a bot to sail me in the rigth direction.

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