Tuesday, January 20, 2009


As weird as my class is lah i think I love them, I mean seriously they are amazing and i feel reallllly confartable in my class SO FAR. Well we all have diffrent personalities. Like Ashraff every morning would to open to windows cause he says that his skin will dry and now we voiced up and and said NO and he had no choice. CHAN YONG is a great monitor ( yes i am praising you deal with it ) and Sabrina and Pui Cheng are great people we like laugh like shit in class. TIAM Poh IS AMAZING he's our Murid Contoh soooo coool. hahha he's like the grandfather of the class and Hong Yi and he calls himself ALOHA and he doens't like people calling him JAMES which i have no idea and i love calling him JAMES cause he get's mad ahhha. OK OK and MARK is the usual mark but much more hardworking suprisingly. So i hope this feeling will last and i would not get bored of it haaha ok chao!

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