Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!

Well i know that it has already passed... but i would like to wish everybody that i didn't get a

chance to wish Happy Valentines Day. BuT I FEEL that Valentines day shouldn't just be spent

for one short period. It should be in your heart forever and it should grow to like a flower. Bit by

bit, ready to blossom and see the world. If we didn't have Love in our hearts, everytime but only

during this special day. Then how can we get Married? Or have A pARTNER? Or have

a Besst friend that you already have now.. if you didn't show you care for that person and

thought about HIM or HER, a LONG time ago.. Valentines Day to me is a rememberance, to

show that you still care for you r friends and love ones... by giving them gifts and goodies.. just to

show how you appreciate them for what they have done for you .... by letting everybody see it..

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