Sunday, February 3, 2008

Friends HUrt

WEll I know that as a start of a fresh new year i should start fresh, meet new friends keep old ones, and leave enemies behind.... But sometimes old wounds still do hurt and ache and sometimes you stay up in the middle of the night thinking of where you went wrong, and how do you have to leave your enemies and how you even ended up with some yourself ? Well sometimes you feel guitly, but why should you ? I mean i always ask myself this question... Your enemies don't ? so why should you put yourself threw this torture and misery and pain just because it happen to be involved with you and you happened to be the one getting hurt and it suddenly hurts soooo badly it makes you wanna cry... But sometimes you have friends along the way that were there when you were down and sad and lonely and comforted you all the way... Well i have ALOT of those friends and yea i just appreciate them for being there with me threw the mournings and the bitterness in life but sadly i just wanna say thank you to all these sweet people cause there deserve it BIG TIME. Michelle, Hazim, Eugene, Fei. I was there for them and now there are there for me !!! Well thanks alot guys... XD and how can i forget Ken- Ji hahahaha ... bullier XD

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